7 Moves That Can Net You More Than $500 Per Month

7 Moves That Can Net You More Than $500 Per Month
Who couldn’t use an extra $500 each month? Good news: Making these small (and pretty painless) adjustments to your spending habits can help you get there—and without having to eliminate anything you love.

Here's $5.00 to get you Started!

1. Eat in one more night per week

On average, we dine out 4.5 times every week, spending around $250 per month—meaning each meal costs about $14. Cut just one restaurant meal per week, opting instead for leftovers or something else already in your pantry.
Money saved: $56

2. Reduce your food waste.

Speaking of raiding your pantry, the average American household wastes about $1,600 on uneaten food every year. Eat leftovers, properly store foods for longer shelf lives and look for recipes using scraps and certain ingredients past their prime, like banana bread, vegetable stock and soup.
Money saved: $133
The average American household wastes about $1,600 on uneaten food every year.

3. Use free apps and coupons.

Obvious, yes, but rounding up a few coupons before hitting the store or online site easily saves $30 per week, according to one survey. And use free apps and browser extensions, like Honey, Coupon Sherpa and Grocery iQ for totally effortless savings.
Money saved: $120

4. Drop your gym membership.

According to Statistic Brain, 67 percent of gym members never show up. If that’s you, stop paying and bank the cash instead. To get your fitness fix, Google free workouts or look for free outdoor classes in your area. (If you are a regular gym user, consider cutting other recurring memberships you may not be using.)
Money saved: $58

5. Negotiate your Internet bill.

Research competitor prices, then negotiate with your service provider for a potential monthly savings of about $50. Many states also offer subsidies for low-income residents, which could cut costs even more.
Did you know? Billshark will negotiate for you with Internet and other service providers to get you discounts (and take a cut). Sign up through the Found Money section, and they’ll also invest $10 in your Acorns account.

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Money saved: $50

6. Cut the cord and tune into Netflix.

Paying at least $100 per month for dozens of channels you rarely watch is becoming harder to justify. Drop your cable package in favor of an $8 basic Netflix subscription and save big.
Money saved: $92

7. Optimize your energy consumption.

Small changes can go a long way toward a lower utility bill. Putting bricks or pebble-filled water bottles in toilet tanks saves about $3. Simply unplugging “energy vampires,” like your computer, can spare another $6.25. Each degree you tap down your thermostat in colder months can shave 3 percent off an $183 average electric bill—meaning bumping yours down 3 degrees could net an extra $16 per month.
Money saved: $25
Did you know you can also earn money in your Acorns account when you shop with our Found Money partners?

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